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You have to read,
Jump! Experiencing Our Spiritual Existence.
Brother Lawrence in Practicing God's Presence
About Look Up
What are the benefits of lookup2him?

As participants engage in the challenge of regular communication with God, lives begin to change. People find that God is there and He reveals Himself in unique and even miraculous ways. The Lord promises that if we abide in Him, then He will abide in us (John 15:7).

Churches, small groups, and individuals who commit to our program will benefit in multiple ways:

  • Participants develop a more continuous relationship with God, experiencing His presence in an intimate way
  • Scripture reminders help participants face the challenge of being “in the world but not of it” (John 17:14-16). The messages prompt those involved to make God the focus of their days rather than allow the dominating influences of the world to take their minds captive
  • Churches develop a heightened level of spiritual awareness and inspiration, leading to new levels of commitment to God and to the Church
  • Churches experience a greater sense of community as individuals give more of their time, talent and treasure to the work of God’s Kingdom
  • As participants forward these messages on to friends and family, the “forward phenomenon” of text message technology will allow God’s Word to spread around our nation and the globe

When you participate in lookup2him, you start a wave of activity that God can use with far-reaching effects.  Involving your church or small group will ignite a new flame of the Spirit in those who participate.  Once you have experienced a higher level of communication with God, it is likely that you will never want to settle for anything less.

We are excited to be able to host this Scripture based evangelical outreach; please consider being a part of this spiritual awakening!

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