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Jump! Experiencing Our Spiritual Existence.
Brother Lawrence in Practicing God's Presence
About Look Up
How is the message content determined?

The content of the messages sent by lookup2him is simply the Word of God.  We use three primary objectives to determine which Scriptures are used in the text messages. 

The first objective is strictly practical: the text must be short enough so that the majority of cell phone systems can receive the full text in one message. 

The second objective is contextual clarity: the verses need to be correctly interpreted, or at least not misinterpreted without the surrounding context.   An accompanying online study is available to provide a means for deeper learning, emphasizing that context is paramount in correctly interpreting Scripture. Each text message gives the book, chapter and verse so that participants can go to the Word for further study and for context.  At least once a day a note is attached to a text message suggesting that the participant read the Bible for further context.

The third objective is thematic continuity: the text messages are selected from Scripture as daily themes with a consistent message.  All of the messages, for at least a full day, will be on a single theme such as Love, Trust, Truth, Hope, etc. The theme for the day will be announced by an initial text to notify the participant of the theme.  Furthermore, the key word in each text will be in all CAPITAL letters to remind the text recipient of each theme. Participants can meditate on or contemplate the theme for the day, seeking God’s guidance as they reflect on the Scripture.
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