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Want to better understand
your walk with God?
You have to read,
Jump! Experiencing Our Spiritual Existence.
Brother Lawrence in Practicing God's Presence
Look Up
how does lookup2him work?

This program can be used by individuals, small groups or entire churches. The essence of the program is that text messages will be sent every 2 hours from 8 am to 8 pm. The text messages follow a daily theme and will contain short Scripture verses to help the recipient remember to pause and “Look Up” to God. The goal throughout the program is to maintain “ongoing communication” with our Lord and the text messages are simply a reminder to reconnect.

Journaling is highly recommended during the eight weeks because it greatly enhances your recognition of God’s presence each day and provides you with a lifelong reminder of how God responds to you when you pursue this relationship.

The daily theme will be in all capital letters to help you focus on the subject, such as LOVE, JOY, PEACE, GOOD, EVIL, SPIRIT, and SOUL. You don’t need to do anything elaborate; just engage in a mental or verbal conversation with God when you get a text message. You can simply say “hi,” you can ask for help, you can ask for insights, you can laugh with Him, or you can cry a few tears over something. The point is that God wants you just as you are.

The process is simple: when you get a text message, stop what you are doing, read it, and as we like to say, “Look Up to Him” to begin your conversation with God. The power of spending your days inviting God into your life, hour by hour, is nothing short of amazing. This is true if you are seeking God for the first time or if you’ve been a believer for decades. We encourage you to take advantage of this tool and join with thousands of others who are learning what an ongoing relationship with God can mean for their lives.

Be sure to go to the Resources section for study guides and other materials to assist you in maximizing this time with God.
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