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Jump! Experiencing Our Spiritual Existence.
Brother Lawrence in Practicing God's Presence
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how did lookup2him begin?

In January 2009, a pilot group of twelve men in Denver began to receive hourly text message reminders to elevate their frequency of communication with God.  Within a week, the number of participants had expanded to thirty people, then to one hundred, and within two months it was impossible to keep track of the growth.

Furthermore, the messages spread from a single city to others within the state, then out of state and to multiple locations overseas.  Participants forwarded messages that had a positive “emotional” impact on them, hoping that the messages also might touch those to whom they were sent. Many people who receive our Scripture based text messages form group distribution lists in their cell phones and forward them to many others—the full scope of the “forward phenomenon” is known only by God. Text messaging knows few boundaries, and the Word of God contains the power to change lives—the combination is explosive!

Those who have already participated in lookup2him have found that their walk with God is rejuvenated.  God promises that if we knock, the door will be opened—and that is exactly what participants have experienced.  Many have said that the messages coming to them often speak to a specific circumstance in their life and it seems as though the text message was sent from God’s cell phone.

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