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what is lookup2him?

Maintaining an intimate relationship with God can seem elusive in our fast-paced world. Most people are so set in their patterns and busy with their lives that continual communication with God simply does not exist. We believe that something radical must be introduced to jump start this communication. lookup2him seeks to help people develop a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour friendship with God rather than a “prayer before bedtime” type of connection. The basic tools of this ministry are cell phone and text message technology, which is available to most people in this country and extensively throughout the world.

The foundational premise for our program is based on the following Scripture:  "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened” (Luke 11:9-10).  The underlying theme of the entire Bible is that God desires a relationship with His creation.  In Jesus’ day, just like today, people wondered how they could experience more of God in their lives.  If you knock at your neighbor’s door and he opens it, is he not standing right in front of you waiting to speak to you?  That’s precisely what Jesus says will happen with God.

God loves personal relationships with His creation, and He will respond to those who knock and pursue a relationship with Him. The lookup2him program offers help with the process of knocking at God’s door and seeking Him.  Whether you are seeking God for the first time or you are a long-time follower who wants a deeper relationship with Him, a recurring dilemma is how to engage with God on an ongoing basis.  Truthfully, all you have to do is be yourself in front of God. He knows you inside and out so there is no point in being anything but yourself. The more difficult part is making ongoing communication a reality, because our minds are continually distracted by our perpetual busyness.

lookup2him provides reminders to help people achieve continual communication with God.  God is excited about our desire for a relationship with Him; when He opens the door, things start to happen!  Jesus spoke a simple truth—if you seek God, you will find Him.
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